Can you escape the dark world of Jack the Ripper?



the problem

Codefirm approached us with the challenge of working with Hollow Zone to enhance the gameplay experience and optimize their networking back-end.


Virtual Reality

Location Based Enterprise

Sound & FX Production

the solution

Designing for VR and networked multiplayer presents a significant technical challenge. Not only did we polish VR interactions, we had to make sure those interactions remained synced for all players. Additionally, we ensured that players could leave and rejoin, all without interrupting the experience or creating a safety hazard for others.

Merging the virtual world with the physical world, our work with Hollow Zone sets out to solve the unsolved mysteries of Jack the Ripper in a Virtual Reality escape room.

In this 30 minute VR experience, you travel back in time to “The Autumn of Terror” in 1888. A time when Jack The Ripper roamed the streets striking fear in the heart of Whitechapel, London. Solve mysteries and uncover clues of The Wax House and try to solve the mystery that was on everyone’s minds for over a century!

Wax House is designed for up to four players in a shared physical space. Each player is calibrated for maximum reality feel and result within the environment. Enhanced tracking and visibility also allows each player to move freely without collision hazard.


Choose your favorite stickers, pins, patches, murals, and more to come to life in AR!



Choose your favorite stickers, pins, patches, murals, and more to come to life in AR!

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